Это объявление размещено 19 января 2023г. и возможно оно уже не актуально
How it works
Online stores give us a reward for your purchases, and we return most of these funds to you. It's simple!
Sign up for the Smarty.Sale
It won't take more than a minute!
SELECT a store FROM the directory (2200+)
Much number of popular cashback stores
Shop online now
Go to the store from our website or mobile app and make your purchase
All is ready! Wait for cashback!
After accrual, money can be withdrawn to the card or electronic wallet
What is Smarty Sale and how does it work?
Smarty.Sale is a service that ensures you will get some refund when shopping at your favorite online shops. We have over 2200 shops in partnership and add new shops in our catalog every day. The basic point is that online shops give us a reward for every purchase you made, while we bring most of this money to you as a refund.
You need to take a few steps
1 Use a simple and free procedure to sign up at
Smarty.Sale and confirm your account.
2 Navigate to the online shops catalog and select one you want to shop in, then go to the online shop, order the item or items you need and pay for it.
3 Enter your profile on
Smarty.Sale to view statistics. Here you will see you have a confirmed refund.
For example: You have placed a $100 order at AliExpress, while we are giving you 5% of refund of the amount you have paid, so in your profile you will see $5 accrued for this purchase.
4 We provide different payout methods for your convenience. You may use bank cards, Webmoney, QIWI, mobile phone, Yandex.Money…
Register and start getting refunds right now!