Smart Investment in Greenport


Smart Investment in Greenport!

Greenport - is an «Agricultural Smart Hub» that provides innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture. The center uses modern technologies such as - digitalization of processes, automation and use of data to optimize production.

The Hub - conducts research and development of new agricultural methods aimed at improving resource efficiency, reducing environmental impact and improving product quality.
Greenport - also provides consulting services to farmers and agricultural businesses, helping them implement sustainable practices and technologies.

The «Greenport Agricultural Smart Hub» - is an example of how modern technology can be used to improve agricultural sustainability and environmental protection.

Greenport - is also an agri-industrial hub, where share knowledge, experience and resources. This contributes to the development of the agricultural community, increasing productivity and competitiveness of the industry.

Overall, Greenport - plays an important role in promoting sustainable agriculture and creating an enabling environment for innovation and industry development.

Our engineering corporation -offers the innovative project «Greenport» for interested investors, as well as initiators - in any country or region.
We will build - in 18 months.

All projects - are our own developments and know-how!
Eleven projects:
✅ The 150,000 m2 Greeenport Logistics centre
✅ The 400 Ha Greenhouse - various varieties of vegetables, berries, herbs and so on.
✅The 496 MW Cogenerating Heat and Powerunit
✅ The 64 MW Solar Power structure
✅ The 10 Reactor Low temperature catalytical conversion unit
✅ The 2,000 MW Battery
✅ The Biorefinery
✅ The 8.8 MW PEM electrolyser Hydrogen Production unit
✅ The Datacentre
✅ The R&D Unit
✅ The Hotel and Congress accommodation Хэштег#hotel
#experience#Хэштег#food Хэштег#logistics Хэштег#economy
✅ Annual turnover - 600 million Euros!
✅ TOTAL INVESTMENT: 300.000.000 €!
✅ Jobs - from 4 thousand people and above. Хэштег#jobs Хэштег#people
Each project is - interdependent business model!
Each enterprise, which is part of Greenport, is managed by Artificial Intelligence based on synergy, sustainability and circulation.

Several projects are ready for construction in 2024 (there is a land initiator and all agreements with the authorities) in many countries.
We offer minority investors participation in our projects!

Our projects are not startups, they are only working projects, tested by time and quality!

Please contact us about the conditions for participation in the projects.
Контактное лицо: Vlad
Греция, Западная Греция, Пиргос
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Номер объявления 1729
Размещено: 14 июня 2021г.
Обновлено: 13 мая 2024г.
Актуально до: 13 мая 2025г.
Просмотров: 3892

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