Comprehension Ninja for Ages 6-7

4 217 ₽, RUB
≈ 179,77 ₪, ILS
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From Andrew Jennings (@VocabularyNinja), the bestselling author of Vocabulary Ninja and Write Like a Ninja, comes an essential handbook of photocopiable resources to supercharge Year 2 pupils and transform them into little comprehension ninjas!
Comprehension Ninja for Ages 6-7: Non-Fiction presents 24 high-quality non-fiction texts and photocopiable activities with strong links to the National Curriculum to help embed comprehension skills in the Year 2 classroom. With accompanying question sets that challenge pupils to effectively skim, scan and retrieve information and improve their subject knowledge, this practical guide features theory and teaching approaches that can be applied to any curriculum area. As well as improving their comprehension skills, Comprehension Ninja for Ages 6-7: Non-Fiction provides excellent SATs practice for every child and covers topics from Rosa Parks to the emergency services and toys.
If you're searching for an exciting way to bring comprehension more firmly into your primary setting using strategies and question types such as true or false, labelling, matching, highlighting, filling in the gap, sequencing and multiple choice, look no further than Comprehension Ninja for Ages 6-7: Non-Fiction.
Please note that the PDF eBook version of this book cannot be printed or saved in any other format. It is intended for use on interactive whiteboards and projectors only.

ISBN — 9781472969217
Author (автор) — Jennings Andrew
Sales_notes (оплата) — Наличные, б/н, visa, qiwi, webmoney, я.деньги
Vendor (издатель) — Bloomsbury
Name (название) — Comprehension Ninja for Ages 6-7
4 217 ₽, RUB
≈ 179,77 ₪, ILS
Россия, Москва

Номер объявления 198057
Размещено: 01 января 2022г.
Обновлено: 01 января 2022г.
Актуально до: 01 января 2023г.
Просмотров: 181

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