Universal DA(Dopamine) ELISA Kit

280 $, USD
≈ 23 838,42 с, KGS
Это объявление размещено 02 августа 2022г. и возможно оно уже не актуально
Catalog No: FY-EU3722
Sensitivity: 6.92pg/mL.
Detection Range: 12.35-1000pg/mL.
No significant cross-reactivity or interference between DA and analogues was observed.
Repeatability: Coefficient of variation is < 12%.

Principle of the Procedure
This kit uses the Competitive-ELISA principle. The microtiter plate strips has been pre-coated with Coating antibody for DA. Standards or samples containing DA and biotin labeled DA are added to the plate, A competitive inhibition reaction is launched between labeled DA and free DA (Standards or samples) with the solid phase antibody specific to DA. After that, Streptavidin-Horseradish Peroxidase(SA-HRP) is added to form a sandwich complex of solid phase antibody-biotin labeled antigen-SA-HRP. And then, TMB substrate solution is added to all wells and incubated. An enzyme-catalyzed reaction generates a blue color in the solution, thereafter, stop solution is added to stop the substrate reaction and the color turns yellow. The yellow solution is read at a wavelength of 450nm. The concentration of DA in the samples is then calculated from the OD value by establishing a standard curve.

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Контактное лицо: Agnes
280 $, USD
≈ 23 838,42 с, KGS
Китай, Wuhan
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На Taki.Sale с марта 2022г.

Номер объявления 223514
Размещено: 20 июля 2022г.
Обновлено: 02 августа 2022г.
Актуально до: 02 августа 2023г.
Просмотров: 318

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