Revolutionizing Healthcare with GOLDENMED Bausch and Lomb Stellaris PC Innovative Medical Solutions

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40810 County Center Dr
Bausch & Lomb Stellaris PC with =1remIntegrated 532 Laser: 
=1remThe Stellaris PC platform provides a high-performance, feature-rich, combinedexperience that leverages Bausch + Lomb’s legacy of vitreoretinal surgical =1reminnovation with the demonstrated excellence of the Stellaris phacoemulsification =1remplatform.

The Stellaris PC allows surgeons to have true “procedural choice” by =1remproviding the most advanced technology for both vitreoretinal and cataract =1remsurgery in a single system. It is a versatile system that allows surgeons theflexibility to perform different ophthalmic procedures while saving time, space =1remand money for the surgeons and the patients they serve.

For inquiries contact

This Bausch & Lomb Stellaris PC with Integrated 532 Laser comes =1remequipped with: =1rem1 Year warranty=1remEmbedded 532 solid state green laser =1rem1 Fragmentation hand piece =1remAdditional handpieces available =1remWireless foot pedal and remote control =1remPrice is set at  $16,000.00
Контактное лицо: Ashley Adkin
США, Калифорния, Temecula

На Taki.Sale с мая 2024г.

Номер объявления 294679
Размещено: 08 мая 2024г.
Обновлено: 08 мая 2024г.
Актуально до: 08 мая 2025г.
Просмотров: 578

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