Red Candle And Lavender Oil Spell in South Africa +27633562406

Вид доставки
Самовивіз, Доставка поштовими службами, Інше
This is a simple spell for which you just need a red candle of your choice (tea light, pillar, heart-shaped – any candle would do), some lavender oil and a strong belief in what you are doing.
Take a red candle, rub some lavender oil on it (don’t forget to cover the wick) and light it.
Sit in front of it (you can even hold it in your hands for a few minutes) and close your eyes.
Imagine the one you love – the happy moments that you want to spend with that person.
Imagine the two of you together – cuddling, hugging each other, embracing each other, gazing into each other’s eyes, kissing, making love, etc.
Go as lucid dreaming as you can so that you can enjoy the sensations in your body.
Let your dream partner be covered with the energies you are releasing.
ПАР, Східний мис, Форт Бофорт
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