Project Financing,Loan,SBLC/Bank Guarantee/MT760 + Monetization,Euroclear,PPP.

Це оголошення розміщено 02 січня 2023р. і можливо воно вже не актуальне
We offer direct funding for businesses and projects,bank instruments and many more such as:

1. Project/Business Direct Financing/Funding.
2. Credit-Loan.
3. Monetization of Bank instruments(SBLC/Bank Guarantee) with High LTV.
4. EuroClear Registration. We can also register your instruments in Euroclear.
5. Bank Guarantees Or Standby Letter Of Credits which is swift via MT760 from a prime bank,fresh cut,fully cash backed.
6. Letter of Credit(MT700).
7. EuroBonds.
8. Proof Of Funds(POF) MT799.
9. Bank Payment Undertaking(BPU).
10. MT103 One Way Or Two Ways.

Our direct financing can help you get your project funded 100%, business/personal loan financing, please let me know if you are interested in any of our services, by providing you with yearly renewable leased bank instruments at affordable rates,these Instruments can be monetized on your behalf for 100% funding.

Private Placement Programs(PPP) are available for clients with 100% Capital Protected / Zero Risk of Capital Loss.

Our services are open for both individuals,brokers and companies worldwide,for more informations and details,you can contact me via email.

Thank You,
Mckee Wellivers.
Контактна особа: Mckee
Німеччина, Бранденбург, Альтландсберг

На Taki.Sale з січня 2023р.

Номер оголошення 244234
Розміщено: 02 січня 2023р.
Оновлене: 02 січня 2023р.
Актуально до: 02 січня 2024р.
Переглядів: 738

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26 чер 2024р. 18:01
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