Ativan Tablets Price In Pakistan / 03003778222 / PakTeleShop

1 500 €, EUR
≈ 143 573,92 с, KGS
Ativan 20Mg Tablets In Pakistan For Sale
Lorazepam 2 mg tablet: Lactose I.P., Microcrystalline Cellulose I.P., Starch I.P. (Maize), Lake
Sunset yellow, Magnesium Stearate I.P.
All strengths/presentations mentioned in this document might not be available in the market.
Uncoated tablets.
4. CLINICAL PARTICULARS4.1 Therapeutic Indication
Short-term management of anxiety disorders, including the following:
- Short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety
- Generalized anxiety disorders
- Anxiety in psychotic states
- Anxiety associated with somatic symptoms
- Anxiety associated with depression or depressive symptoms
- Reactive anxiety
- Insomnia associated with anxiety
- Alcohol withdrawal
- Prevention of delirium tremens
Ativan 20Mg 10 Tablets Price is Rs 1,1500.00 PKR
1 500 €, EUR
≈ 143 573,92 с, KGS
Пакистан, Гілгіт
ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ показати номер

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