Orthopaedic and shoe accessories Foams (foams) are an excellent - soft and flexible (or rigid and rigid, depending on needs) component of orthopaedic products.

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Інші вироби з пластмаси
Orthopaedic and shoe accessories
Foams (foams) are an excellent - soft and flexible (or rigid and rigid, depending on needs) component of orthopaedic products.
Due to the wide range of possible properties, foams used in orthotics fulfil a variety of tasks.

In rigid orthoses, foam elements form their soft part, separating the rigid structure from the body, thereby increasing the patient's comfort.
Flexible orthoses (knee, elbow or ankle support) are made of soft but flexible raw materials such as neoprene.
Compression pads ( such as hernia belts) use foams of medium elasticity and hardness.
Pellets and wedges (as accessories to shoe inserts) are made of hard foam that is resistant to compression/residual deformation.
Cervical collars and corsets require the use of rigid foam.

By selecting as well as varying the raw materials for the production of foams, parameters such as hardness, softness, stiffness and elasticity can be adjusted.

Depending on the needs, closed or open structure foams are used.

Many types of foams can be used in direct contact with the body.

Elements of orthopaedic products can be manufactured using cutting, milling or thermoforming techniques. Self-adhesive versions are possible.
Латвія, Рига, Бергі
ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ показати номер

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