Natural Rubber Lined Long Wear Life High Efficiency Sludge Pump for Effluent Handling

PH Series Slurry Pump
Application: PH series slurry pumps are cantilever centrifugal slurry pumps, which are suitable for transporting strong abrasive, high-concentration slurry or low-concentration high-lift slurry. They can be applied in series connection within the maximum allowable working pressure range of the pump. PH series are widely used in metallurgy, mining, petroleum, chemical industry, coal, electric power, transportation, river dredging, building materials and municipal engineering and other departments.
Shaft Seal
l Packing Seal: The packing shaft seal is a common shaft sealing method. It has a simple structure and is easy to maintain, but it must use shaft sealing water. The pressure of the shaft sealing water is 0.2-0.3MPa higher than the pump outlet pressure. The functions of the shaft sealing water: cooling, lubricating, and flushing .
l Expeller Seal: When the positive pressure value at the pump inlet is not greater than 10% of the pump outlet pressure value, the expeller shaft seal can be used for single-stage pumps or first-stage in multi-stage pumps. The expeller shaft seal does not require shaft sealing water and does not dilute the slurries. It has good shaft sealing effect.
l Mechanical Seal: It is our company's newly developed pump shaft seal device for the slurry pump that transports solid material. It is easy to install, has strong versatility, and can run in the slurry for a long time without leakage.

Китай, Shijiazhuang
ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ показати номер

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