Commercial are for sale Tbilisi Georgia

Загальна площа примищення
110 м²
Кількість кімнат
For Sale! Georgia, center of Tbilisi, Saburtalo District, Medea Chakhva Street. First floor for commercial activity. Newly renovated area made for beauty-cosmetology modern studio with all appliances. All the equipment and furniture is completely new, packaged. Total area 110 sq.m. with two garden place – inside and outside. Space is divided into 5 independence working spaces, plus kitchen, 2 toilet - bathroom. If purchase as studio for business with all stuffs, the total starting price is USD 400K including taxes. The details list of stuffs you can find below. In the case you want to purchases for office and/or other activity (not beauty center) the price will be deducted by the amount of equipment and furniture inside. The total space also can be divided into two independent offices. All the relevant documents will be prepared by request.
List of appliances, equipment and furniture installed:
• 2 creo devices (fat burner)
• 1 RF device (cellulite remover)
• 1 epilating device
• 2 massage tables - body and face
 • 2 stylist workplaces (with chairs by “Chariot”)
• 2 hand manicure table with built-in hood
• 2 pedicure leather chair (by “Chariot”)
• dry sterilization device
• 10 cameras with voice control function, 3 external and 7 internal + server with 1 month storage capacity
• 2 air conditioners (winter/summer)
• central heating
• kitchen equipped with all stuff
Грузія, Тбілісі, Т'білісі

На Taki.Sale з лютого 2024р.

Номер оголошення 290960
Розміщено: 23 лютого 2024р.
Оновлене: 23 лютого 2024р.
Актуально до: 22 лютого 2025р.
Переглядів: 478

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