Investments in real estate in Northern Cyprus

Загальна площа примищення
55 м²
Кількість кімнат

North cyprus
Investments in real estate in Northern Cyprus

Luxury apartments close to the beaches  and all infrastructure are located in a gated complex. The complex is located in Iskele, next to Long Beach. An apartment in the complex is an excellent investment, the possibility of guaranteed rent, obtaining a residence permit, and educating children in schools in Northern Cyprus. The Alliance-Estate company has been on the market for 20 years. The company's specialists provide full support, rental, and resale. Contact us!
Туреччина, Ескішехір, Альпу
ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ показати номер

На Taki.Sale з червня 2021р.

Номер оголошення 291040
Розміщено: 26 лютого 2024р.
Оновлене: 26 лютого 2024р.
Актуально до: 25 лютого 2025р.
Переглядів: 587

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