Furniture workshop in Kazakhstan produces upholstered chairs

100 $, USD
Тип меблів
Меблі для вітальні
Вид доставки
Furniture workshop in Almaty produces quality upholstered chairs of different design from any fabric. Our furniture shop can produce up to 50 chairs per day.
The main descriptions of the chair: Height 45 cm, the seat is made of plywood width of 1.5. All legs of all chairs are removable from metal, from birch, from caragach.
The chairs are very high quality and have a great demand in the domestic market.
At the moment we are looking for foreign wholesale buyers for our chairs. Wholesale price for one chair is 100$.
For all questions, please write on WhatsApp:  +77786016143
100 $, USD
Казахстан, Алмати
ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ показати номер

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