The difference between double-end and single-end mechanical seals of horizontal slurry pump spare parts

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There are two types of mechanical seals for horizontal slurry pumps: double end face and single end face. So what is the difference between these two types? Today we will introduce one of these two types of mechanical seals.
A single end mechanical seal is composed of a pair of seal end faces. Double-end mechanical seal is composed of two pairs of seal end faces. The single-end seal has a simple structure and is relatively easy to manufacture and install. It is a commonly used seal type. If the medium is toxic, flammable, or explosive, it is more suitable to use a double-end mechanical seal.
Double mechanical seals include axial double face seals and radial double face seals. The structure of double-face seals arranged in the radial direction is more compact than that of axial double-face seals.
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