I met my baby daddy on tinder. We talked for a month i was living in newyork and he was living in Georgia. I had plans on moving to Georgia within a month so i did the global settings on tinder. He told me everything i wanted to hear for that month, he even invited me to stay with him for a week while i get my apartment together. This was in May btw , late May into June. So yea, we did the deed and we spoke after i moved to my place but his busy work schedule just wasn’t working for me so i decided to end whatever we had going on. My period was due and it didn’t come, i found out i was 5 weeks pregnant. I told the guy how i need him to take a dna test. Anyways. I had to wait until September to take the dna test and the guy quickly came around. At first he was very distant since he didn’t know, it was the lonely months of my life since i have no family here and i didn’t tell nobody about the father situation because i was ashamed. So fast forward, we are living together and doing okay. However, i am in this specific group for a reason lol. I suspected him of cheating, so I had to get proof. I saw an ad about a phone spying app and so I clicked it and it directed me to this website; CYBERPUNKERSORG. I filled out his details and after 8 hours I had access to his phone from my iPad. I found out he has other women in his life and has a serious romantic affair with his co worker. So here I am.
Кувейт, Губернатор Аль-Асіма, Ad Dasmah
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