Horizontal slurry pump accessories bearings: radial bearings and thrust bearings

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The bearings in our slurry pumps are radial bearings. But many people don’t know what a radial bearing is and what a thrust bearing is. Let’s find out today.
Radial bearings and thrust bearings are classified according to the direction of load they bear. Radial bearings are capable of carrying loads perpendicular to the shaft. Some radial bearings can only carry pure radial loads, while most radial bearings can also bear axial loads in the same direction. In some cases, they can also bear axial loads in both directions.
Thrust bearings mainly bear loads along the axial direction. Depending on their design, thrust bearings can support single-phase or bidirectional pure axial loads, and some can bear additional radial loads. The thrust shaft cannot reach the same high speed as a radial bearing of the same size.
If you want to know more about slurry pumps, please feel free to call us!

www.panstopump.com, laurashi@panstopump.com, 008615732149758
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