Améliorez votre centre d'appels avec le thème personnalisé Vicidial

1 €, EUR
Тип послуги
Установка и настройка ПО
At KingAsterisk Technologies, we specialize in transforming call centers in Tunisia with advanced VICIdial custom themes and custom reports. The solutions are designed to improve call center operations. This offers fully customizable software that adapts to unique needs.

Experience Live - Watch our Demo! :

Improve functionality and performance.
Detailed analytics and performance metrics
Improve agent efficiency and reduce training time.
Scalable solutions will continue to meet your evolving needs.
Ensure your call center is running smoothly.

Note: We do not handle VoIP routes, DIDs, servers or any other hardware. We do not provide any rental base dialers

Our dialer has no restrictions on the number of agents. It also depends on your hardware. If you have up to 100 agents, we can provide you with cluster solutions.

Contact us here:

Email us:
Skype us: king.asterisk or kingdialer
Call us directly: +91 968 773 3355 / 9408207777
WhatsApp us anytime: +1 (786) 414 2610 / +1 (202) 249 5906

Visit our online platform: or

Have any questions? We are ready to help!
Контактна особа: Kingasterisk
1 €, EUR
Туніс, Туніс, Туніс
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На Taki.Sale з серпня 2024р.

Номер оголошення 302055
Розміщено: 31 серпня 2024р.
Оновлене: 31 серпня 2024р.
Актуально до: 31 серпня 2025р.
Переглядів: 518

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