Car rental in local rental companies at the best prices

9 €, EUR
≈ 372,82 ₺, TRY
Це оголошення розміщено 19 січня 2023р. і можливо воно вже не актуальне
Rent a car in local car rental companies at the best price from one day -> HERE on
in the countries of Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Cyprus, UAE, Russia, Thailand, Turkey, Czech Republic, Montenegro
The advantages of our rentals

  •     Booking not a car class, but a specific car with an accuracy of the body color and the type of radio. Changing the car is possible only with the consent of the client.
  •     Low prices, which are below the “guaranteed low prices” from competitors.
  •     The car reservation is confirmed when only 15% of the rental price is paid.
  •     Russian-language customer support in social networks, instant messengers, by mail and phone.
  •     Service quality score 9.2 out of 10 based on customer reviews.
  •     Low deposits: from 0 to 300 euros versus 500-2500 euros for international car rentals.
  •     Cooperation only with local, national, rental companies. Thanks to this, we have the best product on the market, albeit with a small geography of coverage.
  •     We speak three languages: Russian, English, Spanish.
Car rental in resorts click HERE)
Why us?
No fine print

We never hide our prices, terms and conditions. No hidden fees or taxes. You can see the exact price that is not going to change in the process of booking.
Low deposits
In huge corporations, deposits may reach up to several thousand euro, which will be blocked on the client’s card after the car delivery. Our average deposit is €300, and we have plenty of car rental companies who do not require deposits at all.
Fair damage assessment
We assess damage in the presence of a client. Our prices are 2-3 times lower than in international car rental companies. And we never try to charge our clients for something after they have returned the car.
9 €, EUR
≈ 372,82 ₺, TRY
Кіпр, Ларнака

На Taki.Sale з вересня 2021р.

Номер оголошення 30447
Розміщено: 14 листопада 2021р.
Оновлене: 19 січня 2023р.
Актуально до: 19 січня 2024р.
Переглядів: 3785

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