Disease and Lodging Resistance Maize for Grains Corn Seeds

220 $, USD
≈ 169,84 £, GBP
Disease and lodging resistance Maize for Grains corn seeds
The ear length is 16.9 cm, the number of rows per ear is 14-16 rows, and the number of grains per row is about 35.
The grain is full, yellow, half dentate.
The plant is compact, the ear is cylindrical, and the spike axis is white.
Resistance to spot, small spot and smut, high resistance to dwarf mosaic and susceptible to stem rot.
The emergence rate is 88-90%, which is resistant to cold, drought and lodging.
The average yield per mu is about 12000 kg.
220 $, USD
≈ 169,84 £, GBP
Танзанія, Дар-ес-Салам, DSM
ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ показати номер

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