Women & Power. A Manifesto

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Why the popular resonance of 'mansplaining' (despite the intense dislike of the term felt by many men)? It hits home for us because it points straight to what it feels like not to be taken seriously: a bit like when I get lectured on Roman history on Twitter.
Britain's best-known classicist Mary Beard, is also a committed and vocal feminist. With wry wit, she revisits the gender agenda and shows how history has treated powerful women. Her examples range from the classical world to the modern day, from Medusa and Athena to Theresa May and Hillary Clinton. Beard explores the cultural underpinnings of misogyny, considering the public voice of women, our cultural assumptions about women's relationship with power, and how powerful women resist being packaged into a male template.
With personal reflections on her own experiences of the sexism and gendered aggression she has endured online, Mary asks: if women aren't perceived to be within the structures of power, isn't it power that we need to redefine?

ISBN — 9781788160612
Author (автор) — Beard Mary
Sales_notes (оплата) — Наличные, б/н, visa, qiwi, webmoney, я.деньги
Vendor (издатель) — Profile Books
Name (название) — Women & Power. A Manifesto
1 121 ₽, RUB
≈ 46,33 ₪, ILS
Russia, Moscow

Ad Number 194156
Posted: 01 january 2022y.
Updated: 01 january 2022y.
Valid before: 01 january 2023y.
Views: 159

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