On Screen C2. Student's Book

2 436 ₽, RUB
≈ 22,59 €, EUR
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On Screen is a series that combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features An integrated approach to the development of all four language skills. Notions and functions. Vocabulary presentation and practice. Variety of reading, listening and speaking tasks. Grammar presentation in context. Activities encouraging critical thinking as well as web research. Writing sections containing models and development of writing skills & Writing bank. Realistic pairwork and groupwork activities. Pronunciation and Intonation sections. Study Skills to help students become autonomous learners. Practical English sections preparing students to use the language in real-life situations. Culture sections & CLIL sections for each module. Language Review. Grammar Reference section. Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Software. Interactive eBook. Writing Books that help students practise and improve their writing skills. Public Speaking / Presentation Skills booklets to help learners become effective communicators and competent public speakers.

ISBN — 978-1-4715-7752-9
Author (автор) — Dooley Jenny
Sales_notes (оплата) — Наличные, б/н, visa, qiwi, webmoney, я.деньги
Vendor (издатель) — Express Publishing
Name (название) — On Screen C2. Student's Book
2 436 ₽, RUB
≈ 22,59 €, EUR
Russia, Moscow

Ad Number 194474
Posted: 01 january 2022y.
Updated: 01 january 2022y.
Valid before: 01 january 2023y.
Views: 147

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