Diaghilev and the Golden Age of the Ballets Russes 1909-1929

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A sumptuous illustrated catalog.' Suzy Menkes, International Herald Tribune
Serge Diaghilev (1872 - 1929) was an extraordinarily gifted impresario, curator, director and animator of the arts. He was perfectly at home driving the wave of creative energy that pushed theatrical performance to the cutting edge of cultural activity in the early twentieth century. A roll call of the Ballets Russes' collaborators and circle bears witness to their impact on modernism and later twentieth-century art; Picasso, Stravinsky, Nijinsky, Bakst, Goncharova, Matisse, Chanel, Prokofiev, Man Ray and Cocteau all worked with Diaghilev - and their work is discussed and illustrated here. This beautiful book draws on new research to explore Diaghilev's life, work and cultural milieu. It pulls together the music, pictures, costumes, archives and art of the Ballets Russes to illustrate Diaghilev's working process, accomplishments and society.

ISBN — 9781851778355
Author (автор) — Pritchard Jane
Sales_notes (оплата) — Наличные, б/н, visa, qiwi, webmoney, я.деньги
Vendor (издатель) — Abrams
Name (название) — Diaghilev and the Golden Age of the Ballets Russes 1909-1929
5 096 ₽, RUB
≈ 4 286,11 с, KGS
Russia, Moscow

Ad Number 194747
Posted: 01 january 2022y.
Updated: 01 january 2022y.
Valid before: 01 january 2023y.
Views: 150

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