Playway to English New 2 Edition. Teacher's Resource Pack 1 + CD
3 535 ₽, RUB
≈ 39,04 €, EUR
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Playway to English Second edition is a new version of the popular four-level course for teaching English to young children. Pupils acquire English through play, music and Total Physical Response, providing them with a fun and dynamic language learning expISBN — 978-0-521-12987-9
Author (автор) — Gerngross Gunter, Puchta Herbert, Holcombe Garan
Sales_notes (оплата) — Наличные, б/н, visa, qiwi, webmoney, я.деньги
Vendor (издатель) — Cambridge
Name (название) — Playway to English New 2 Edition. Teacher's Resource Pack 1 + CD
3 535 ₽, RUB
≈ 39,04 €, EUR
Russia, Moscow
Ad Number 196874
Posted: 01 january 2022y.
Updated: 01 january 2022y.
Valid before: 01 january 2023y.
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