penoplast 15-17 kg/m3 zichlikdagi

580 000 So'm,UZS
≈ 4 344,84 ₽, RUB
This listing is posted. 22 september 2022y. and perhaps it is no longer relevant
Material type
Polymers, chemistry
Delivery type
Take it yourself, Other
Sizning e'tiboringizga polistirol bloklarini taqdim etamiz:

Polistirol bloklarining zichligi 15 dan 17 kg/m3 gacha.

Blok o'lchami: 6000 x 1200 x 600 mm, qalinligi 20 dan 600 mm gacha bo'lgan maxsus uskunalarda kesilgan.

Penoplast foydalanish: ovoz izolyatsiya va izolyatsiya tuzilmalar, devorlar, qavatlar, tomlar, xonadonlar, xususiy uylar, vagon va konteynerlar.

Narx m3 da qoyilgan

* Biz polistirol bloklarni istalgan o'lchamgacha kesib tashladik.

*Polistirol bloklarning har qanday hajmi uchun moslashuvchan chegirmalar tizimi mavjud!!!
580 000 So'm,UZS
≈ 4 344,84 ₽, RUB
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ show number

On Taki.Sale from october 2021y.

Ad Number 203763
Posted: 14 february 2022y.
Updated: 22 september 2022y.
Valid before: 22 september 2023y.
Views: 415

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