Human ERα(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit in stock

255 €, EUR
≈ 120 951,12 ₸, KZT
Bidding possible
This listing is posted. 23 april 2022y. and perhaps it is no longer relevant
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Delivery by postal services, Other, International delivery
Synonyms: ER-A1; ER; ESR; ESR1; ESRA; NR3A1; NR3-A1; Estrogen Receptor 1; Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 3,Group A,Member 1
ERα(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) Basic information
Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), also known as NR3A1 (nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group A, member 1), is one of two main types of estrogen receptor, a nuclear receptor that is activated by the sex hormone estrogen. In humans, ERα is encoded by the gene ESR1 (EStrogen Receptor 1).
Human ERα(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit test method
Feiyue’s Human ERα(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) Elisa kit is an ELISA reagent for detection of Neutrophil elastase in Serum, plasma, tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.
This kit uses sandwich ELISA to detect the concentration of Estrogen Receptor Alpha,ERα(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) -specific monoclonal antibody has been pre-coated in the wells of the supplied microplate. Standards samples and controls are added to interact with the immobilized antibody. A sandwich complex is formed by additional anti- ERα(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) antibody with HRP-Streptavidin. TMB solution is added to react with the sandwich for ming optical signal measured by microplate reader. The concentration of  ERα(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) in the sample can be calculated by comparing the absorbance of the sample with the standard curve.
1.«Human oestrogen receptor cDNA: sequence, expression and homology to v-erb-A.»
2.«Sequence and expression of human estrogen receptor complementary DNA.»
255 €, EUR
≈ 120 951,12 ₸, KZT
Bidding possible
China, Hubei Sheng, Anlu
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On Taki.Sale from april 2022y.

Ad Number 210082
Posted: 22 april 2022y.
Updated: 23 april 2022y.
Valid before: 23 april 2023y.
Views: 1287

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