Продам 2 х комн. квартиру за 57000 у.е. на ул.Отрадная

57 000 $, USD
≈ 8 475 647,74 ¥, JPY
This listing is posted. 13 marth 2023y. and perhaps it is no longer relevant
Total area of ​​the apartment
42 m²
Kitchen area
7 m²
Floors in the building
House material type (walls)
House type
Standard 1950-70
Distance from the city center
1 km
Living area
32 m²
Ceiling height
2,5 m
Type of apartment
2 bedroom
Repair (condition) of real estate
Come in and live
View from the windows
To the city
Availability of communications
Еlectricity, Gas, Canalization, Water supply, Heating
Number of bedrooms
Year built
1967 year
Number of rooms
Near the center, Near the historic center, History Center, Good transport interchange, Near the park
Overlapping in the house
Floor covering
Property features
High ceilings, Furnished, Bath
Roof material
Additional amenities
Wi-Fi, ТV, CCTV, Central air conditioning
Продается 2х комн. квартира по ул. Отрадная . Общая S-42 кв.м. кухня 7.росположена на 1 этаже 5 эт.дома с мебелю и сантехн. окна м.пласт. море 10 мин ход.
The contact person: Валентин Борисович
57 000 $, USD
≈ 8 475 647,74 ¥, JPY
Ukraine, Odessa
ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ show number

On Taki.Sale from january 2023y.

Ad Number 251432
Posted: 08 february 2023y.
Updated: 13 marth 2023y.
Valid before: 12 marth 2024y.
Views: 570

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