Влажный корм для псов GOLDEN DOG (1240g.) GOLDEN DOG wet food for dogs

1,75 €, EUR Bidding possible
Kind of animal
Delivery type
Take it yourself, Delivery by postal services, International delivery
GOLDEN DOG is premium food for dogs, manufactured under the supervision of veterinarians. The unique recipe for the health and beauty of a pet contains an immune complex that protects the animal's body from the negative effects of external factors and selected meat ingredients, vitamins, natural antioxidants.
1,75 €, EUR
Bidding possible
Moldova, Cocieri
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On Taki.Sale from april 2023y.

Ad Number 266553
Posted: 08 april 2023y.
Updated: 08 april 2023y.
Valid before: 07 april 2024y.
Views: 1364

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