
22 Van Wyk St, Roodepoort, 1724
These do-it-yourself kits should only be used in the direst of emergencies. Witch Doctor Spell Kits are for one-time use and must be discarded within 24 hours after the spell is cast. Instructions are simple and take only minutes -- but they must be followed to the letter.
Witch Doctor Spell Kits differ substantially from other spell kits in that a genuine Witch Doctor doll is included with each kit. This handsome, meticulously crafted doll is blessed by a Witch Doctor and is an integral part of the spell kit ritual.
WARNING:   Do not ask for something unless you truly want it to come true! These are powerful, spiritual rituals and are not to be taken lightly.

The Witch Doctor Spell Kit is available only from Africa and we are obligated to maintain strict controls and regulations for each kit. Due to the considerable energy spent searching for the precise ingredients that are included in each kit, and the extensive blessings bestowed on each, availability is extremely limited. Contact Baba Kagolo at +27672740459, or E-mail Baba Kagolo at babakagolo@gmail.com
The contact person: Baba Kagolo
South Africa, Johannesburg
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On Taki.Sale from april 2023y.

Ad Number 271342
Posted: 11 may 2023y.
Updated: 16 may 2023y.
Valid before: 15 may 2024y.
Views: 973

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