Doctor's Best, Calcium Bone Maker Complex on Healthapo
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Doctor's Best Calcium Bone Maker® Complex with MCH-Cal™ and VitaMK7® provides essential bone nutrients in their most bioactive forms. Vitamin C promotes the formation of bone matrix. Vitamin D3 promotes the absorption of calcium into the bones, and vitamin K2 helps channel calcium into the bones. MCH-Cal™ contains natural elements found in healthy bones, including calcium, phosphorus and type 1 collagen. Calcium supports muscles, nerves, and helps blood vessels move blood throughout the body, affecting virtually every function. Collagen helps create and maintain bone matrix and connective tissue. MCH-Cal™ supports optimal bone mineral composition and overall health.
USA, Washington, Bellingham
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On Taki.Sale from may 2024y.
Ad Number 295423
Posted: 17 may 2024y.
Updated: 17 may 2024y.
Valid before: 17 may 2025y.
Views: 922
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