Hungarian Vizla Puppies available
Delivery type
Take it yourself
They are well trained and currently on
vaccination with all their registration papers.
So if you are ready to have them do get back to me
for more information
Kindly Email me via : ( ) For fast response
Send whatzapp : +44 1209 440108
vaccination with all their registration papers.
So if you are ready to have them do get back to me
for more information
Kindly Email me via : ( ) For fast response
Send whatzapp : +44 1209 440108
Austria, Upper Austria, Ansfelden
On Taki.Sale from september 2024y.
Ad Number 303669
Posted: 28 september 2024y.
Updated: 28 september 2024y.
Valid before: 28 september 2025y.
Views: 366
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